関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

松枝法道・経済学部・教授が2023 IAREP/SABE ConferenceでStrategic Individual Behaviors and the Efficient Vaccination Subsidyと題する研究発表を行いました.
Prof. Norimichi Matsueda (Economics) Gives Presentation Titled "Strategic Indivitual Behaviors and the Efficient Vaccination Subsidy" at 2023 IAREP/SABE Conference.


学会 Academic Conference

松枝法道・経済学部教授が2023年6月7日-10日にフランス・ニースで開催された2023 IAREP/SABE Conferenceにおいて,Strategic Indivitual Behaviors and the Efficient Vaccination Subsidyと題する研究の発表を行いました.この学会は,国際経済心理学会(The International Association for Research in Economic Psychology)と行動経済学推進協会(The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics)の共同開催による年次大会であり,4日間にわたって数多くの講演や研究報告が行われ,活発な議論が行われました.
Prof. Norimichi Matsueda from the School of Economics gave a presentation titled "Strategic Indivitual Behaviors and the Efficient Vaccination Subsidy" at 2023 IAREP/SABE Conference, which was held on June 7-10, 2023 in Nice, France.  The conference is a jointly organized annually by the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP) and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) and attracted a lot of researchers from all over the world in the fields related to Psychology and Economics.