関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

柿原武史・商学部教授が国際学会・ASELE外国語としてのスペイン語教育学会(33º Congreso Internacional de la Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera)で「スペイン語・文法授業における反転学習の試み」をテーマに発表を行いました
Professor, KAKIHARA Takeshi, School of Business Administration Gives Presentation on [Theme of Presentation] at 33th International Congress of the Association for the Education of Spanish as Foreign Language (la Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera)


学会 Academic Conference

学会出張 Business Trip

個人研究 Individual Research


Takeshi Kakihara, Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, gave a presentation on "Trial of Flipped Learning in Spanish Grammar Classes" at ASELE (Association for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language) held in Burgos, Spain, from August 29, 2023 to September 3, 2023. ASELE (Association for the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language) is an international conference held annually to share the latest research and practices in Spanish language education around the world. 400 researchers from more than 16 countries gathered for presentations and discussions. This year, 40 researchers from Japan participated in the conference, as Japan was the invited country. Participants from all over the world presented many research papers and actively exchanged opinions and ideas in various programs such as workshops and lectures.

Takeshi Kakihara giving a presantation Takeshi Kakihara giving a presantation
Takeshi Kakihara giving a presantation
ASELE held at the Universidad de Burgos ASELE held at the Universidad de Burgos
ASELE held at the Universidad de Burgos