関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

多田さおり・言語教育研究センター専任講師がThe IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaiiで、Impact of Classroom-Based Autonomous Learning Tasks on Students’ Autonomy: Integrating Input and Output Frameworksをテーマに発表を行いました。
Assistant professor, Saori Tada, Language Center Organization for Academic Affairs gave a presentation on 、Impact of Classroom-Based Autonomous Learning Tasks on Students’ Autonomy: Integrating Input and Output Frameworks at the International Conference on The IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii, which was held from January 3rd, 2024 to January 7th, 2024 in Honolulu, Hawaii.


学会出張 Business Trip

個人研究 Individual Research

多田さおり・言語教育研究センター専任講師がThe IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaiiで、Impact of Classroom-Based Autonomous Learning Tasks on Students’ Autonomy: Integrating Input and Output Frameworksをテーマに発表を行いました。今回発表した研究では授業外課題という枠組みを利用し、学習者に自ら課題を組み立てる機会を与えることで学習者が自らの学習をコントロールし、責任を持つ経験を通して自律性を育み、指導者が毎週の学習をモニターし成績を課すことで自律学習の習慣づけを試みた結果を発表しました。学習者が言語を習得するにあたって授業内のみならず、授業外においても自身の学習ゴールを設定し、そのゴールに到達するための学習計画を自ら立て、それを実行していく責任を持つことは必須です。しかし多くの学習者、特に習熟度が高くない学習者にとって授業外での自律学習をコントロールすることは非常に困難です。前回発表した研究では授業課題という枠を利用し、学習者に自ら課題を組み立てる機会を与えることで学習の自律性を育み、毎週の学習をモニターし成績を課すことで自律学習の習慣づけを試みた結果に着目しましたが、今回は主にリーディング、文法学習、リスニングに分類されるインプット系・スピーキングやライティングに代表されるアウトプット系両方の学習内容の枠組みを取り入れさせたことでどのような影響があったか、半期のクラスルームリサーチを通して検証した内容の報告を行いました。インプット系・アウトプット系の活動を分けたことで多くの学生が、自分が必要とする言語スキルを獲得するために必要な学習法を再認識し、それを実際に学習計画に取り入れ、実行し、またその学習を行ったことで得た結果に対して自己評価を行ったことで、自分に必要な授業外学習への自己認識が向上したことが評価されました。

The study investigates the impact of classroom-based autonomous learning tasks on students' learning autonomy and explores how integrating both input and output learning frameworks influences their autonomous learning choices. Fourteen second-year Japanese private university students enrolled in an elective English course participated in the study. Benson (2011) highlights the significance of autonomous learning outside the classroom for language acquisition, but learners often encounter challenges in maintaining self-initiated study. Developing learner autonomy requires appropriate support from educators to achieve a balance of quantity and quality (Hutchinson, 2020, p.4). In this study, students designed their 10-week homework assignments, incorporating both input activities (reading, listening, grammar exercises) and output activities (speaking, writing). The pre-survey explored students' interests in English learning and preferred learning methods. Over half of the students expressed interest in speaking and writing, yet most preferred input-focused approaches like TOEIC/TOEFL preparation for out-of-class learning. This discrepancy suggests a lack of learning autonomy in the surveyed student group. In the post-survey, over 80% of students increased their English learning time outside regular classes. Engaging in self-selected assignments may have contributed to enjoyment in the learning process. Furthermore, all participants positively acknowledged the input-output framework. Numerous students recognized the benefits of utilizing the knowledge acquired through input activities in their output tasks.
Additionally, many expressed interest in continuing output learning. Many students have reassessed the learning methods necessary to improve their language skills. By incorporating these methods into their study plans and putting them into practice, they have separated input and output activities. They have evaluated themselves based on the results achieved through this approach. As a result, their self-awareness regarding the need for extracurricular language learning has improved, and the outcomes have been highly praised.