土方嘉徳・商学部教授が国際会議CollabTech 2019にて基調講演を実施
Professor Yoshinori Hijikata, of the School of Business Administration, gave a keynote in CollabTech 2019
学会 Academic Conference
個人研究 Individual Research
土方嘉徳・商学部教授(専門:社会情報学)が、2019年9月3-6日に京都府の京都リサーチパークで開催された国際会議The 25th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2019)にて、基調講演を行いました。
土方教授は、「User Behavior and Psychology in Social Media」という題目で講演を行いました。Webやソーシャルメディアが学術界に与えた影響として、人の社会における行動やコミュニケーションの履歴を用いて、社会科学や人文科学の分野で大規模な実証研究ができるようになったことを採り上げ、その研究分野の分類を示し、最新の研究事例の紹介を行いました。
土方教授は、「User Behavior and Psychology in Social Media」という題目で講演を行いました。Webやソーシャルメディアが学術界に与えた影響として、人の社会における行動やコミュニケーションの履歴を用いて、社会科学や人文科学の分野で大規模な実証研究ができるようになったことを採り上げ、その研究分野の分類を示し、最新の研究事例の紹介を行いました。
On September 5th, Professor Yoshinori Hijikata of School of Business Administration, an expert in Social Informatics, gave a keynote in the 25th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2019) held in Kyoto Researck Park on September 3rd to 6th, 2019.
Prof. Hijikata gave a lecture entitled “User Behavior and Psychology in Social Media”. He showed that one of the impacts of the Web and social media on the academia is that large-scale empirical studies in the fields of social sciences and humanities have become possible using the history of behavior and communication in human society. Also he categorized research topics in the field of Web and Social Media Mining and introduced the latest research results.
Social media has come to be widely used in people's real world and real life. Knowing what people are doing on social media and what internal mind is behind their behaviors is important for both business management and solving social issues. Prof. Hijikata's research results are thought to be useful for marketing on social media and for maintaining people's well-being.
Prof. Hijikata gave a lecture entitled “User Behavior and Psychology in Social Media”. He showed that one of the impacts of the Web and social media on the academia is that large-scale empirical studies in the fields of social sciences and humanities have become possible using the history of behavior and communication in human society. Also he categorized research topics in the field of Web and Social Media Mining and introduced the latest research results.
Social media has come to be widely used in people's real world and real life. Knowing what people are doing on social media and what internal mind is behind their behaviors is important for both business management and solving social issues. Prof. Hijikata's research results are thought to be useful for marketing on social media and for maintaining people's well-being.
