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To search by the press release date, enter "4 digits for the Western calendar. 2 digits for the month. 2 digits for the day."(ex.2020.04.01) You can also search for the dates using only "4 digits for the Western calendar. 2 digits for the month".
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- 2025.02.03
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
Daniel Warchulski(IEFL建築学部)が第44回タイTESOL国際会議で自己評価活動についてプレゼンテーションを行いました
Daniel Warchulski (School of Architecture, IEFL) Gives Presentation on Self-Assessment Activities at 44th Thailand TESOL International Conference - 2025.01.31
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
SIL, Brian Wojtowicz, Language Center Gives a Presentation on EFL Student Feedback Preferences Regarding Screencast and Written Feedback Methods at the 44th Thailand TESOL International Conference 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand - 2025.01.27
論文 Article
沖米田司・生命環境学部教授らの EPHA2 と気道炎症に関する研究成果が「iScience」に掲載されました
- 2025.01.16
共同研究 Collaborative Research
フランス パリ・シテ大学教授Thierry Rambaud氏が関西学院大学でフランス宗教法およびライシテに関する講演を行いました
Professor Thierry Rambaud of Paris Cité University Delivered Lectures on French Religious Law and Laïcité at Kwansei Gakuin University - 2025.01.16
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
宮原啓造・工学部教授 が RAAI2024 で発表を行いました
Prof. Miyahara Gives Presentation at RAAI 2024 - 2025.01.10
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
個人研究 Individual Research
- 2024.12.23
学会 Academic Conference
The 37th Japanese Schopenhauer Conference and the 42nd Nietzsche Seminar took place at Kwansei Gakuin University in Uegahara Campus, Nishinomiya - 2024.12.14
論文 Article
共同研究 Collaborative Research
村上慧・理学部准教授の第4級アンモニウム塩の新合成技術の研究がChem誌(Cell Press)に掲載されました
- 2024.12.16
学会 Academic Conference
Professor Yukihiro Tsukada Gives Presentation on Hemingway’s cross-media experience in Spain at the 20th Biennial International Hemingway Conference. - 2024.12.10
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
個人研究 Individual Research
伊佐田百合子・総合政策学部教授が17th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciencesで「Understanding the Conditions that Enhance Generativity: Insights from Social Consideration, Self-Affirmation, and Views on Life and Death in a Japanese Survey」をテーマに発表を行いました