若林克法・工学部教授らによる論文「Thickness-dependent Raman active modes of SnS thin films」が、AIP Advances誌に掲載され、Featured ArticleおよびScilightに選出されました
Research on Thickness-dependent Raman active modes of SnS thin films by Prof. Katsunori Wakabayashi (School of Engineering) has been published in AIP Advances and selected as Featured Article and Scilight(Science Highlight).
論文 Article
共同研究 Collaborative Research
若林克法・工学部教授らのAIP Advances誌に掲載された論文がFeatured Article(journal's best)に選出されました。さらに、米国物理学協会(AIP)が発行する論文全体対象として、最も顕著な研究結果のみを特集するScilight(science highlight)にも選ばれました。本論文の筆頭著者は先進エネルギーナノ工学専攻1期生の米盛樹生さん(2021年3月修了)で、インドIISER Tirupatiと東京大学大学院工学系研究科との共同研究の成果です。
Scilight 記事
Stepping closer to transparent, flexible electronics with new calculation methods, by Alane Lim,
Scilight 10 Sep. 2021
DOI: 10.1063/10.0006371,https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0006371
雑誌名:AIP Advances, 11, 095106 (2021).
論文タイトル:Thickness-dependent Raman active modes of SnS thin films
著者: Itsuki Yonemori (関西学院大院、先進エネルギーナノ工学専攻), Sudipta Dutta (IISER Tirupati, 助教授), Kosuke Nagashio (東京大学大学院工学系研究科, 教授), Katsunori Wakabayashi (関西学院大学工学部教授)
原子層厚さでの強誘電特性を実証 ~メモリやナノ発電実現へ新たな道を開拓~, 2020年5月15日プレスリリース。 https://www.kwansei.ac.jp/news/detail/4117
若林物質設計理論研究室 http://www.kg-nanotech.jp/tmd/
Scilight 記事
Stepping closer to transparent, flexible electronics with new calculation methods, by Alane Lim,
Scilight 10 Sep. 2021
DOI: 10.1063/10.0006371,https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0006371
雑誌名:AIP Advances, 11, 095106 (2021).
論文タイトル:Thickness-dependent Raman active modes of SnS thin films
著者: Itsuki Yonemori (関西学院大院、先進エネルギーナノ工学専攻), Sudipta Dutta (IISER Tirupati, 助教授), Kosuke Nagashio (東京大学大学院工学系研究科, 教授), Katsunori Wakabayashi (関西学院大学工学部教授)
原子層厚さでの強誘電特性を実証 ~メモリやナノ発電実現へ新たな道を開拓~, 2020年5月15日プレスリリース。 https://www.kwansei.ac.jp/news/detail/4117
若林物質設計理論研究室 http://www.kg-nanotech.jp/tmd/
On 9 September 2021, the research on thickness-dependent Raman active modes of SnS thin films led by Prof. Katsunori Wakabayashi (School of Engineering) were published in AIP Advances and selected as Featured Article (as a one of the journal's best articles). In addition, the paper was also selected as one of the Scilight (science highlight) articles published by the American Institute of Physics (AIP), which features only the most outstanding research results. The first author of this paper is Mr. Itsuki Yonemori (Department of Advanced Energy Nanoengineering, completed in March 2021), and it is the result of collaborative research between IISER Tirupati, India, and the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo.
In recent years, research on atomically thin and two-dimensional materials is a one of the most active fields in condensed matter physics, nanoscience, and nanotechnology. In this paper, we focused on tin sulfide (SnS), which has strong thickness-dependent ferroelectricity, and clarified its electronic and phonon states by using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. In particular, we have clarified the layer number dependence of the Raman active mode and the layer number dependence of the surface phonon mode peculiar to SnS. These results are expected to be useful for the analysis of the layer number and stacking structure of the synthesized SnS in the future.
Published Article
Journal: AIP Advances, 11, 095106 (2021).
In recent years, research on atomically thin and two-dimensional materials is a one of the most active fields in condensed matter physics, nanoscience, and nanotechnology. In this paper, we focused on tin sulfide (SnS), which has strong thickness-dependent ferroelectricity, and clarified its electronic and phonon states by using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. In particular, we have clarified the layer number dependence of the Raman active mode and the layer number dependence of the surface phonon mode peculiar to SnS. These results are expected to be useful for the analysis of the layer number and stacking structure of the synthesized SnS in the future.
Scilight Article
Stepping closer to transparent, flexible electronics with new calculation methods, by Alane Lim,
Scilight 10 Sep. 2021
DOI: 10.1063/10.0006371,https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0006371
Published Article
Journal: AIP Advances, 11, 095106 (2021).
Title: Thickness-dependent Raman active modes of SnS thin films
Author: Itsuki Yonemori (Master Student, Kwansei Gakuin University), Sudipta Dutta (IISER Tirupati, Assistant Professor), Kosuke Nagashio (The University of Tokyo, Professor), Katsunori Wakabayashi (Kwansei Gakuin University, Professor)
