関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

The 44th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (SITA2021) was held at Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan in Dec. 2021.


学会 Academic Conference

 本シンポジウムは、毎年11月または12月に開催される情報理論分野における国内最大の研究集会であり、電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ 情報理論とその応用サブソサイエティが主催しています。例年は合宿形式で行われ、研究に関する熱心な討論を軸とした参加者間の密な交流を特長としてきました。しかし、昨年は新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で中止となり、今回のSITA2021では十分な感染症対策を講じた上での会議場での開催となりました。
 The 44th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (SITA2021) was held at Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan on Dec. 8 - 10, 2021. The organization committee was chaired by Prof. Motohiko Isaka from Dept. of Computer Science, School of Engineering.
 This symposium is an annual and the largest domestic event on information theory supported by the Research Society of Information Theory and its Applications under Engineering Sciences Society of The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers.
 After the cancellation of SITA2020 due to COVID-19 outbreak, SITA2021 was entirely devoted to technical sessions while one important feature of past symposiums was close interaction between participants through various social and academic events.
 Since in-person meeting was not confirmed under the pandemic, the organizing committee collected presentation videos from the authors in advance so that registered people can watch them on-demand even when they cannot join the symposium at the venue. There were about 200 participants in total and we are pleased to have four plenary lectures, 75 presentations at regular sessions and eleven talks at the recent results sessions.
 Subjects of the plenary talks include data science for capturing black hole image, post-quantum cryptography, mathematical structure and applications of algebraic error correcting codes. Topics in regular and recent results sessions range from fundamentals of information theory to applications in practical information and communication systems.
 This was the first business trip for almost all participants in the past two years, and many celebrated their reunion. It was also a valuable opportunity for graduate students who have only experienced online conferences and presentations since they started research activities.
 Information on the symposium can be found at https://www.ieice.org/ess/sita/SITA2021/.