関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

加藤昌子・生命環境学部教授が第25回有機結晶国際会議(ICCOSS XXV,北マケドニア・オフリド)で基調講演
Professor Masako Kato, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences Gives a Plenary Talk at ICCOSS XXV


学会出張 Business Trip

加藤昌子・生命環境学部環境応用化学科教授が2022年7月3日~8日に北マケドニア共和国オフリドで開催された第25回有機結晶国際会議(International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State [ICCOSS XXV])で基調講演を行いました。
加藤教授は、「Photofunctional Soft Crystals Based on Pt(II) Complexes」の講演題目で、新学術領域研究として5年間推進してきた「ソフトクリスタル:高秩序で柔軟な応答系の科学と光機能」について紹介するとともに、発光性白金錯体結晶に関する最新の研究成果について講演を行いました。講演後は若い研究者からの質問も出て、日本における本分野の研究のアクティビティを世界の研究者にアピールする絶好の機会となりました。
Professor Masako Kato, Department of Applied Chemistry for Environment, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, gave a plenary lecture at the 25th International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XXV) held in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
This conference has a 50-year history as an international conference to discuss the chemistry of organic crystals and solid states. About 100 organic crystal-related chemists gathered in the quiet lakeside town of Ohrid, North Macedonia for the six-day conference. In the field of organic crystals, attention has recently focused on flexible crystals that can be deformed and those exhibiting bending properties in response to light, and there were many talks on the unique properties of crystals and crystal structure analysis.
In her lecture entitled "Photofunctional Soft Crystals Based on Pt(II) Complexes," Professor Kato introduced "Soft Crystals: Science and Photofunction of Highly Ordered and Flexible Response Systems," which she has promoted for five years as one of KAKENHI project for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, and presented the latest research results on luminescent platinum complex crystals. It was an excellent opportunity to showcase the research activities in this field in Japan to researchers from around the world.
ICCOSS XXVで講演する加藤教授/Prof. Kato's lecture at ICCOSS XXV ICCOSS XXVで講演する加藤教授/Prof. Kato's lecture at ICCOSS XXV
ICCOSS XXVで講演する加藤教授/Prof. Kato's lecture at ICCOSS XXV