関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

Shinji Nakagawa, Professor of Economics, participated as chairperson and presenter at the IDT 2022 Vienna Congress.


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  中川慎二・経済学部教授が、2022年8月15日~2022年8月20日に、オーストリア・ウィーンで開催されたIDT 2022 Wien(国際ドイツ語教師会議2022ウィーン)において、セクションB-2の運営委員・議長(Sektionsleiter)と発表者として参加しました。
 IDT2022 Wienは、4年に一回開かれるドイツ語教育に関する国際学会で、経済学部の中川教授は、2022年8月15日から20日までオーストリアのウィーンで開催されたIDT2022 Wien (International Conference of Teachers of German 2022 Vienna) に、運営委員およびセクション B-2 'Language and Power' の議長として参加しました。IDT 2022 Wienは4年に一度開催されるドイツ語教育に関する国際会議で、1967年にドイツのミュンヘンで第1回大会が行われ、今回はその17回目となる大会でした。第1回大会の後、最終的に国際ドイツ語教師連盟(IDV: Der internationale Deutschlehrerinnen- und Deutschlehrerverband e.V.) が設立され、IDTの主催団体となったのです。当初は2年ごとに開催されていましたが、現在は4年ごとに開催されています。言語政策としてのドイツ語の普及を目的とし、そのためにドイツ語教育の理論と実践に関する研究が行われています。研究対象は、"外国語としてのドイツ語 "と "第二言語としてのドイツ語 "の2つです。オーストリアで開催されるのは4回目で、今年のテーマは「言語との関わり」、つまり生活環境、社会的プロセス、文化的・学術的体験、美的体験などとの関わりを意味します。会議のテーマは「多言語社会とその課題」です。ヨーロッパを中心に85の加盟国と94の連盟を含む計約110カ国から参加し ウィーン大学に約2,800人のドイツ語教師や研究者が集まり、活発な発表や討論が行われました。
Professor Shinji Nakagawa, Faculty of Economics, participated in the IDT 2022 Wien (International Conference of Teachers of German 2022 Vienna) held in Vienna, Austria, from 15 to 20 August 2022, as a member of the steering committee and chair of Section B-2 'Language Power' ( IDT 2022 Wien is an international conference on German language teaching held every four years, the first conference having been held in Munich, Germany, in 1967, and this was the This was the 17th congress. After the first congress, the International Federation of Teachers of German (IDV: Der internationale Deutschlehrerinnen- und Deutschlehrerverband e.V.) was finally founded and became the organising body for the IDT. Initially held every two years, it is now held every four years. The aim is to promote German as a language policy, and to this end research is conducted into the theory and practice of German language teaching. The two main areas of research are "German as a foreign language" and "German as a second language." This is the fourth time that the conference is being held in Austria, and the theme of this year's conference is "Engaging with language", which means engaging with the living environment, social processes, cultural and academic experiences, aesthetic experiences, etc. The conference theme is multilingual society and its challenges The theme of the conference is multilingual societies and their challenges. The participants came from a total of approximately 110 countries, including 85 member states and 94 federations, mainly in Europe, and About 2,800 German language teachers and researchers gathered at the University of Vienna, where presentations and discussions were actively held.
 In the breakout sessions, which were organised and facilitated by Prof Nakagawa, a variety of research presentations were given on language and its power, data collection from social and educational settings, and sociolinguistic considerations of multilingual societies.
 On the last day of the Congress, a thesis for language policy (11+1) was presented during the closing ceremony. The theses were: multilingual society, international cooperation, empowerment, real life of immigrants, German language and its repertoire in school education, scholarship and research encouragement, research, freedom and diversity, high level teacher training programmes for professors, working conditions for German language teachers, digital transformation, culture of peace and non-violence, sustainable development. The content included in the theses was presented.
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