関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

Anxiety Japanese University Teachers Faced During the Pandemic - Lesson's Learned and Strategies for Effective Management During Educational Change


学会 Academic Conference

学会出張 Business Trip

マカラク・デイビッド・経済学部英語常勤講師がAnxiety University Teachers Faces During Pandemic - Lessons Learned and Strategies During Educational Change(パンデミック時に直面した日本の大学教員の不安-教育改革における教訓と効果的なマネジメントのための戦略)」と題する発表を行いました。


"Anxiety Japanese University Teachers Faced During the Pandemic - Lessons Learned and Strategies for Effective Management During Educational Change"

The presentation was based on doctoral research on the mental health of teachers during the pandemic and argued that the emerging field of psychodynamics ought to be taken into more consideration during stressful educational change. The paper is currently being revised for publication.

The presentation was followed by questions and similarly-themed presentations. Throughout the conference, I was able to watch a diverse number of presentations, and meet and talk to many researchers from around the world. These discussions prompted new ideas for further research on the theme of educational change