関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

IEFL Renato Germinario from the Engineering Department gave a presentation on grounding pre-reading in Text-World Theory at the 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference


学会 Academic Conference

IEFL Renato Germinario from the Engineering Department gave a presentation on grounding pre-reading in Text-World Theory at the 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference, which was held from January 27th to January 28th, 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand. The Thailand TESOL International Conference gathers TESOL practitioners from a variety of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary fields to capture insightful ELT ground-breaking research, pedagogies, materials and innovations for current and future endeavors at local and global contexts. Nearly 100 practitioners and researchers from several Asian countries gathered to give presentations and hold discussions. Ideas were exchanged and debated over two days, providing fertile ground for deepening our understanding of language education and expanding the frontiers of research.