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Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

多田さおり・言語教育研究センター専任講師がInternational Conference on Literature, Education Social Science and Cultural Issuesで、The Influence of Autonomous Learning Assignment on Students’ English Learning Autonomyをテーマに発表を行いました
Assistant professor, Saori Tada, Language Center Organization for Academic Affairs Gives Presentation on The Influence of Autonomous Learning Assignments on Students’ English Learning Autonomy at the International Conference on Literature, Education Social Science and Cultural Issues


学会 Academic Conference

学会出張 Business Trip

 多田さおり・言語教育研究センター専任講師が2023年2月14日~2023年2月15日に、イタリア・ミラノで開催された国際学会・ International Conference on Literature, Education Social Science and Cultural Issuesにおいて、The Influence of Autonomous Learning Assignment on Students’ English Learning Autonomyをテーマに発表を行いました。今回発表した研究では授業外課題という枠組みを利用し、学習者に自ら課題を組み立てる機会を与えることで学習者が自らの学習をコントロールし、責任を持つ経験を通して自律性を育み、指導者が毎週の学習をモニターし成績を課すことで自律学習の習慣づけを試みた結果を発表しました。個々のキャリアプランや学習目標を意識して自発的に学習を進めて行く力を育むアプローチであるという点で評価を得ることができました。より幅広くICTを活用し、成果物の可視化を図ることやフィードバックの質を向上させるなど、自律学習支援をより充実させていく項目について確認することができました。

Assistant professor, Saori Tada, Language Center Organization for Academic Affairs gave a presentation on The Influence of Autonomous Learning Assignments on Students’ English Learning Autonomy at the International Conference on Literature, Education Social Science and Cultural Issues, which was held on February 14th, 2023 to February 15th, 2023 in Milan, Italy. The presentation discussed how self-designed out-of-class assignments develop students’ learning autonomy through taking control and responsibility for their learning was discussed. The effect of teachers’ monitoring and grading on rooting autonomous learning was also argued. The presentation was well-received as an approach to fostering learners' initiative in their learning toward their future goals. Some issues for further study such as the possibility of more precise ways to check students’ work and considering new ways to provide feedback by expanding the use of ICT were reaffirmed. 