関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

IEFL, Barry Condon, Language Center, gives a presentation on Helping Students to Get the Most From Online Content at the IATEFL Slovenia conference


学会 Academic Conference

学会出張 Business Trip

IEFL, Barry Condon, Language Center, gave a presentation on Helping Students to Get the Most From Online Content at the IATEFL Slovenia. IATEFL Slovenia is a well-attended annual conference. Several hundred participants from over fifteen countries gathered to attend and deliver presentations and hold discussions on a variety of ESL topics. There were a number of plenary speeches by researchers who are very well known in their fields. The conference also provided opportunities to share research with educators from different contexts and open avenues for future collaboration. Furthermore, there was an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with the ambassadors from Ireland and the United Kingdom.
