関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

ALE, Louis Lafleur, School of Policy Studies Gives Presentation on The Effects of Gamified Daily Awards on Digital Vocabulary Flashcard Learning at the EUROCALL 2023 Conference


学会 Academic Conference

学会出張 Business Trip

ALE, Louis Lafleur, School of Policy Studies gave a presentation on The Effects of Gamified Daily Awards on Digital Vocabulary Flashcard Learning at the EUROCALL 2023 Conference, which was held from Aug 15th to Aug 18th in Reykjavík, Iceland at the University of Iceland. The focus of this year’s EUROCALL conference is on inclusiveness of all languages, which is also reflected in the main conference theme “CALL for all languages”. Presenters from around the world attended with a large number of delegates attending from Japan.

