関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

IEFL, Thomas Stones, Department of Economics gives presentation on 5 Ways to Adapt Group Speaking Tests for Lower-Level Learners at CamTESOL 2024


学会 Academic Conference

研究会 Research Meeting

学会出張 Business Trip

IEFL, Thomas Stones, Department of Economics gives presentation on 5 ways to adapt group speaking tests for lower-level learners at CamTESOL 2024 which was held from February 23rd to 25th in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

A large number of delegates gathered from a wide range of countries, and attendees from ASEAN countries were extremely well represented. There were many fruitful discussions about various issues of language teaching. In particular, my presentation was very well attended and numerous attendees messaged to request the slides and to ask follow-up questions. 
