関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

菅原智・商学部教授がBritish Accounting and Financial Association Accounting Education SIG Annual Conferenceで会計教育をテーマに発表を行いました
Satoshi Sugahara, Prof. of School of Business Administration Gives Presentation on Accounting Education at British Accounting and Financial Association Accounting Education SIG Annual Conference


学会 Academic Conference

共同研究 Collaborative Research

個人研究 Individual Research

 菅原智・商学部教授が、2024年5月29日~31日に、イギリス・リーズ大学で開催されたBritish Accounting and Financial Association Accounting Education SIG Annual Conferenceにおいて、会計教育をテーマに発表を行いました。BAFA AE SIG Anuual Conferenceは、本来イギリス国内の大学に所属する会計教育研究者を中心に、日頃の研究成果を発表し討議する毎年開催される会議ですが、本年の会議では多様な国々出身の研究者でイギリス国内の大学で教鞭をとる者に加え、且つヨーロッパやアフリカからも多くの研究者が参加し、200名近くもの研究者が集まり発表・討議が行われました。
 報告タイトルは「The impact of accounting students’ perceptions of online synchronous delivery in the experiential learning setting」であり、コロナ感染症パンデミック下で実施した関西学院大学商学部とイタリア・パルマ大学経済学部の学生をオンラインで繋いで実施したCOIL型授業の効果について、質問票により収集した質的・量的データを元に実証研究を行った結果を報告してきました。オンライン双方向型技術を活用してグローバル授業を展開してきたことについて参加者やディスカサントから高い評価を受けました。また、同じ学会に参加していたベルギーのゲント大学からの研究者とは今後の共同研究・教育加速について議論が交わされ、今後、協力しながらアイデアを実現していくことが約束されました。
 Satoshi Sugahara, Professor of the School of Business Administration, gave a presentation on accounting education at the British Accounting and Financial Association Accounting Education SIG Annual Conference held at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom from May 29 to 31, 2024. The BAFA AE SIG Annual Conference is a global conference where accounting education researchers from universities both from the UK and other countries, particularly in Europe and Africa present and discuss their research. This year's conference was attended by nearly 200 people gathered for presentations and discussions.
 The title of his presentation was "The impact of accounting students’ perceptions of online synchronous delivery in the experiential learning setting" and is based on the results of an empirical study conducted during COVID19 pandemic, using qualitative and quantitative data collected through a questionnaire-based survey to examine the effectiveness of a COIL class conducted online between students of the School of Commerce at Kwansei Gakuin University and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Parma, Italy. This presentation was highly appreciated by the participants and discusants for the global classes we have developed using online interactive technology. In addition, discussions were held with researchers from Ghent University in Belgium, who were also attending the conference, regarding future joint research and educational acceleration, and they agreed to work together to achieve their goals in the future.
Presentation Presentation
Catching up with global colleagues Catching up with global colleagues
Catching up with global colleagues