関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

Learners' Developing Awareness of Conversational Devices in English Through Digitally Mediated Dialogue During COIL


学会 Academic Conference

Oana Cusen, Language Center SIL, gave a presentation on English language learners' usage of conversational devices in English in digital dialogue during a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project at the conference of the International Association of Dialogue Analysis (IADA), which was held from September 12th, 2024 to September 14th, 2024 in Brasov, Romania. IADA 2024 was focused on issues dealing with the dialogic dimentions of teh digital. Around 50 researchers from over 15 countries, such as Poland, Italy, Israel, Canada, the UK and Romania gathered to give presentations and hold discussions. The conference had a lively atmosphere, and each presentation generated interesting debates on a wide variety of issues, such as expressing humor in social media exchanges, the linguistic differences between right-wing and left-wing political discourse, and the gamification of second language acquisition.