関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

白川俊介・総合政策学部教授所属が IPSA 75th Anniversary Conferenceにおいて、ポピュリズムに関する政治哲学的な考察に関する発表を行いました
[Position, Name, Affiliation] Gives Presentation on [Theme of Presentation] at [Name of International Conference or Meeting]


学会 Academic Conference

学会出張 Business Trip

 白川俊介・総合政策学部教授が、2024年9月11日から13日まで、Lisboa, Portugalにおいて開催された、Democratization and Autocratization: IPSA 75th Anniversary Conferenceにおいて、A Normative Considerations on the Emergence of Ethno-Populism: "Overbalance of Individual Cosmopolitanism" and How to Deal with It というタイトルで口頭発表を行いました。白川教授は、Democratization/Autocratization Processes, Political Discourse and Attitudes in Democratization/Autocratization Processesというパネルにおいて、エスノ・ポピュリズムの台頭について、「個人主義的コスモポリタニズムの過剰」が与える影響を倫理的に考察し、グローバル化が進むなかで、個人のアイデンティティが国家的枠組みを超える現象が、エスノ・ポピュリズムの台頭とどのように関連しているのかを探求する報告を行いました。IPSA 75th Anniversary Conferenceでは、およそ80のパネルが設けられ、68カ国から500名近くの研究者が集まり、発表・討議が行われ、参加者のあいだで、非常に活発な意見交換や交流が行われました。
Professor Shunsuke Shirakawa, School of Policy Studies, gave an oral presentation entitled ‘A Normative Considerations on the Emergence of Ethno-Populism: “Overbalance of Individual Cosmopolitanism” and How to Deal with It’ at the IPSA 75th Anniversary Conference, held in Lisbon, Portugal from 11th to 13th September 2024. In the panel entitled "Democratization/Autocratization Processes, Political Discourse and Attitudes in Democratization/Autocratization Processes," Professor Shirakawa made a presentation that considered the impact of ‘overbalance of  individualistic cosmopolitanism’ on the rise of ethno-populism from an ethical perspective, and explored how the phenomenon of individual identity transcending national frameworks in the context of ongoing globalization is related to the rise of ethno-populism. At the IPSA 75th Anniversary Conference, there were around 80 panels, and nearly 500 researchers from 68 countries gathered to make presentations and take part in discussions. The conference was a great success, and there was a very lively exchange of opinions and interaction between the participants.