Andrew Philpott・Language Center・SILが44th Thailand TESOL International Conference 2025でStudents’ Perceptions of Using Eigo.AI for Foreign Language Learningをテーマに発表を行いました
Andrew Philpott from the Language Center (SIL) presented on the theme "Students’ Perceptions of Using Eigo.AI for Foreign Language Learning" at the 44th Thailand TESOL International Conference 2025.
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
Andrew Philpott・Language Center・SILが、2025年1月24日~2025年1月26日に、タイ王国・バンコクで開催された44th Thailand TESOL International Conference 2025において、Students’ Perceptions of Using Eigo.AI for Foreign Language Learningをテーマに発表を行いました。44th Thailand TESOL International Conference 2025は、英語教育における最新の研究成果や実践を共有することを目的として、英語教育の専門家、研究者、教育者が一堂に会する国際会議です。本会議は、教育の質の向上とグローバルな英語教育の発展を目指して開催されています。世界中の様々な国々から数百名の参加者が集まり、発表・討議が行われました。
Andrew Philpott from the Language Center (SIL) participated in the 44th Thailand TESOL International Conference 2025, held from January 24 to January 26, 2025, in Bangkok, Thailand, where he delivered a presentation on "Students’ Perceptions of Using Eigo.AI for Foreign Language Learning."
The 44th Thailand TESOL International Conference 2025 is an international conference that brings together English education experts, researchers, and educators to share the latest research findings and practices in English language teaching. The event is held with the aim of improving the quality of education and promoting the global development of English education. Hundreds of participants from various countries around the world gathered to present and discuss their work.
At the conference, there were active discussions, and through exchanges with researchers from many countries, new perspectives and insights were gained for individual research. Additionally, cutting-edge research on the use of AI in language education was introduced, making this a highly meaningful opportunity for future research activities.