関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

Research Project on "Empirical Studies on Innovation and Job Creation within Regions" (University Joint Research) conducted by Professor Masatoshi Kato, Faculty of Economics, and others presents research results


共同研究 Collaborative Research


このプロジェクトにおいては、いくつかの研究が行われました。その成果の一部として、'Does patenting always help new firm survival? Understanding heterogeneity among exit routes' と題する論文がSmall Business Economics誌に発表されました。

また、他の成果として、'Empirical Issues concerning Studies of Firm Entry' と題する論文がIndustrial and Corporate Change誌に掲載採択されました。 

Professor Masatoshi Kato of the School of Economics and their collaborators are conducting a project (funded by the University Joint Research) on "Empirical studies on Innovation and Job Creation within Regions," and several of their research findings have been accepted by international academic journals.

In this project, several studies were conducted. As part of the results, a paper titled 'Does patenting always help new firm survival? Understanding heterogeneity among exit routes' was published in the journal Small Business Economics. 

Prof. Kato's another paper with some collaborators titled 'Empirical Issues concerning Studies of Firm Entry' was accepted for publication in Industrial and Corporate Change. 

Other studies are in progress and will be published in due course.

