関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

Development of Students' Diverse Qualities and Abilities in English Language Education


個人研究 Individual Research







時任研究室・高知県高等学校教育研究会英語部会・関西学院高等部(2023)「英語科教育における生徒の多様な資質・能力育成に向けた取り組み」(実践・活動報告書 Vol.1)



 Jumpei Tokito Laboratory conducted a research activity for the development of various qualities and abilities of students in English language education at high schools using the funds from the 2023 Individual Special Research Program. This effort was conducted under the research theme of developing a reflection task to enhance perspective-based assessment in English language arts education at upper secondary schools. This project began by focusing on the kinds of learning activities and grading methods used by teachers in high school English classes in order to enhance perspective-based assessment, and by creating a forum for sharing examples of such activities. Specifically, we held an online study group to share practices and solve problems, and a study group to conduct face-to-face class studies and research discussions.

Members: Kochi Prefecture public high school English teachers and Kwansei Gakuin Senior High School English teachers
In 2023, online study groups were held 14 times. Specifically, we discussed how to evaluate and deepen students' learning through reflection, using the learning tasks and students' responses in each class.

Face-to-face workshops were held on June 23-24 and November 10-11, 2023, to share case studies of learning activities and reflection methods to enhance perspective-based evaluation.

(1) 1st face-to-face workshop
The first face-to-face workshop was held at Kwansei Gakuin Senior High School on June 23-24, 2023.
We observed two English Communication II classes, and then conducted research and discussions on learning activities. A total of 24 teachers from Osaka Prefectural High School, Kochi Public High School, and other high schools gathered for discussions over the two days.

(2) The 2nd Face-to-Face Workshop
The second face-to-face workshop was held in Kochi Prefecture on November 10-11, 2023.
On the 10th, we observed an English comprehension class at Kochi International High School and had research discussions. In the afternoon, we observed an English Communication I class at Nakamura High School in Kochi Prefecture and had research discussions.
On the 11th, a workshop was held at Kochi International High School, where public high school teachers gathered from Ehime, Okayama, Osaka, and Hyogo prefectures.

The results of the workshop were compiled into a leaflet with the following title.

Tokito Laboratory, Kochi Prefecture High School Education Research Association, English Section, Kwansei Gakuin Senior High School (2023) Development of Students' Diverse Qualities and Abilities in English Language Education (Practice and Activity Report Vol. 1)

Based on the findings from the online and face-to-face study groups, I conducted a questionnaire survey of English teachers in public high schools in prefecture A (all teachers were surveyed). The results of the survey will be analyzed and discussed, and I plan to submit the results to an academic journal.

I was able to meet many teachers at school sites and learn about their teaching practices through my active participation in the project funded by the Special Research Fund for Individuals. These efforts have led to the idea of a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research proposal for 2024. I would like to express our gratitude to the teachers and the Organization for Research Promotion and Social Cooperation for their cooperation. I will make every effort to publish papers and produce results of new research projects in the future.