関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

A study by Andrew Nowlan of the Center for Language Research on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) with North American partners using a phenomenological approach.


個人研究 Individual Research

本研究は、2023年度個人特別研究助成の研究計画に基づき、2023年4月から2024年1月にかけて、KGUの学生と北米に留学する学生との間で、2つのバイリンガル異文化間COILコースを実施した。日本の参加学生13名は第二言語(L2)である英語で異文化間コミュニケーションの授業を履修し、カナダとアメリカの学生はL2として中級日本語を学習した。研究者は、(a)介入前後のアンケート調査、(b)COILの5つの異なるタスクに従った日誌、(c)介入後の振り返りインタビューのデータをもとに、超越論的現象学的研究デザイン(Moustakas, 1994)を採用し、COIL中の参加者の経験の本質を明らかにし、それが留学に対する態度にどのような影響を与えたかを明らかにした。


2023年度には、ネパールのカトマンズで開催された第28回NELTA大会、タイのチェンマイで開催された2024年度Thai TESOL大会など、私の研究成果を広めるために複数の国際会議で発表を行った。また、査読付きジャーナルである神戸JALTジャーナルに投稿した論文が受理され、2024年末までに正式に出版される予定である。
In accordance with the research plan for the granted 2023 individual special research subsidy, this study involved two bilingual, cross-cultural COIL courses between students at KGU and those studying in North America, from April 2023 to January 2024. The 13 participating students in Japan were enrolled in an intercultural communication class in their second language (L2) of English, while the students in Canada and the United States were studying intermediate Japanese as their L2. Drawing on (a) data from pre- and post-intervention surveys, (b) journals following five different COIL tasks, and (c) post-intervention reflective interviews, the researcher employed a transcendental phenomenological research design (Moustakas, 1994) to identify the participants’ essence of experience during COIL and how this may have impacted attitudes towards study abroad.

By employing Moustakas’s (1994) modified version of descriptive phenomenology, four themes emerged composing the participants’ essence of experience: safety, unexpectedness, authenticity, and intercultural competences. Students benefited from the COIL experience through improved intercultural competences and increased knowledge of the target culture, even when the L2 learning goals between institutions differed. Students also reported that COIL provided an authentic international experience, which is especially valuable for students in Japan, who may be restricted from study abroad due to financial and academic-related constraints.

During the 2023 academic year, the researcher made multiple presentations at international conferences to disseminate my findings, including the 28th NELTA conference in Kathmandu, Nepal, and the 2024 Thai TESOL conference, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Also, an article has been submitted and accepted to a peer-reviewed journal – The Kobe JALT Journal – and this issue should be officially published before the end of 2024.