中後大輔・工学部教授が 16th IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI2024) でリハビリテーションロボットをテーマに発表を行いました
Dr. Daisuke Chugo, Professor, School of Engineering, gave a presentation on rehabilitation robots at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI2024).
学会出張 Business Trip
中後大輔・工学部教授が、7月8日~11日に、フランス・パリで開催された16th IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI2024) において、リハビリテーションロボットをテーマに発表を行いました。発表論文名はErgometer-Based Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot for Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patients with Voluntary Movement Induction using Muscle Synergy(筋シナジーを利用した随意運動誘導による脳卒中片麻痺患者のためのエルゴメーター型下肢リハビリテーションロボット)。HSI2024は人間とロボットとインタラクションをテーマとした国際会議であり、15カ国以上から200名の専門家が集まり発表・討議が行われました。国際会議HSIは、IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(産業エレクトロニクス部会)の一技術委員会であるTechnical Committee on Human Factorsのメインとなる国際会議であり、中後大輔教授はこの技術委員会の委員長を務めています。HSI2024は盛況のうちに終わり、閉会セレモニーでは来年HSI2025は韓国の蔚山市で開催されるとアナウンスがありました。
Dr. Daisuke Chugo, Professor, School of Engineering, gave a presentation on rehabilitation robots at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI2024) held in Paris, France, from July 8 to 11, 2012. The title of the presentation was Ergometer-Based Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot for Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patients with Voluntary Movement Induction using Muscle Synergy. HSI2024 is an international conference on human-robot interaction, where 200 experts from more than 15 countries gathered for presentations and discussions. HSI is the main international conference of the Technical Committee on Human Factors of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, and Prof. Chugo is its chair. HSI2024 was a great success, and during the closing ceremony, it was announced that next year's HSI2025 will be held in Ulsan, Korea.
- 2024.09.09
受賞 Award
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
中後大輔・工学部教授が国際会議CLAWAR2024でCLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award - 2nd Prizeを受賞しました
Professor Daisuke Chugo of the School of Engineering received the CLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award - 2nd Prize at the international conference CLAWAR 2024. - 2024.02.24
共同研究 Collaborative Research
マスコミ Media Appearance
中後大輔・工学部教授の研究が2024年2月24日に発売された「Forbes JAPAN4月号」に掲載されました
Professor Daisuke Chugo's research was reported in the April issue of "Forbes JAPAN," published on February 24, 2024. - 2023.11.08
マスコミ Media Appearance
その他 Others
Professor Daisuke Chugo, Faculty of Engineering, exhibited the EcoBrake wheelchair at Yokohama Robot World 2023. - 2023.10.09
受賞 Award
論文 Article
学会出張 Business Trip
中後大輔・工学部教授が Highly Commended Paper of Industrial Robot and CLAWAR2023 を受賞
Prof. Daisuke Chugo, Faculty of Engineering, receives Highly Commended Paper of Industrial Robot and CLAWAR2023. - 2023.07.13
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
中後大輔・工学部教授がISIE 2023 - 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics で"Analysis of Rehabilitation Methods for Small Dogs Based on the Muscular Activity"をテーマに発表を行いました
Professor Daisuke Chugo, School of Engineering, presented "Analysis of Rehabilitation Methods for Small Dogs Based on the Muscular Activity" at ISIE 2023 - 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics.