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To search by the press release date, enter "4 digits for the Western calendar. 2 digits for the month. 2 digits for the day."(ex.2020.04.01) You can also search for the dates using only "4 digits for the Western calendar. 2 digits for the month".
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- 2025.01.10
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
個人研究 Individual Research
- 2024.11.28
研究会 Research Meeting
英国キール大学名誉教授の Istemi Demirag 博士が関西学院大学でPPPの講演
- 2024.09.17
留学 Reseach Abroad
研究会 Research Meeting
IEFL, Stephen McNamara, Kwansei Gakuin University, Language Center, gave a presentation on the CDF in Japanese Undergraduate Lessons at the 1st Annual CDF Study Group, which was held from 2024/9/9 to 2024/9/10 in The University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
IEFL, Stephen McNamara, Kwansei Gakuin University, Language - 2024.08.26
学会 Academic Conference
研究会 Research Meeting
学会出張 Business Trip
安藤 幸・人間福祉学部准教授がThe 5th East Asia Village Development Forumでコロナ禍の地域における教育実践をテーマに発表を行いました
Associate Professor ANDO Sachi, School of Human Welfare Studies Gives Presentation on teaching and learning during the Pandemic at the 5th East Asia Village Development Forum
Associate Professor ANDO Sachi, School of Human Welfa - 2024.07.09
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
海洋性珪藻のリン及びCO2獲得制御におけるlong-noncoding RNAの役割の解明について国際共同研究を行いました
- 2024.05.13
学会 Academic Conference
研究会 Research Meeting
民族藝術学会・学会創設40周年記念 第40回大会が関西学院大学西宮上ケ原キャンパスで開催されました
- 2024.03.01
学会 Academic Conference
研究会 Research Meeting
学会出張 Business Trip
IEFL, Thomas Stones, Department of Economics gives presentation on 5 Ways to Adapt Group Speaking Tests for Lower-Level Learners at CamTESOL 2024
IEFL, Thomas Stones, Department of Economics gives presentat - 2023.11.06
学会 Academic Conference
研究会 Research Meeting
Prof. Hidetoshi Sato, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences Hosts The 21st Annual Meeting of The Japan Association of Medical Spectroscopy, Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan
The 21st Annual Meeting of The Japan Association of Medical - 2023.09.19
研究会 Research Meeting
その他 Others
- 2023.03.28
著書 Book
大型研究費の新規獲得 Obtaining New Research Funds
研究会 Research Meeting
Prof Atsuhiro Asano of Kwansei Gakuin University Publishes 'Metaphors for Living and Dying'
On April 1st, 2022, Prof Atsuhiro Asano of Kwansei Gakuin Un - 2022.12.14
学会 Academic Conference
研究会 Research Meeting
その他 Others
34th Annual Conference, Japan association for Bioethics, at NUC
The 34th Annual Conference, Japan association for Bioethics, - 2022.10.26
研究会 Research Meeting
STACY: Towards Safe Storage and Transportation of Cryogenic Hydrogen
Various efforts are currently underway around the world to r - 2022.07.19
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
その他 Others
- 2022.07.19
学会 Academic Conference
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
- 2021.06.24
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
その他 Others
School of Business Administration Professors Selected for a Workshop by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM)
A group consisting of Professor Masayuki Jimichi of the Scho - 2021.06.24
学会 Academic Conference
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
Group of School of Business Administration Professors Chosen for the Core Institution of the Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale Information Infrastructures (JHPCN)
A group consisting of Professor Masayuki Jimichi of the Scho - 2021.02.08
受賞 Award
論文 Article
研究会 Research Meeting
三柳海渡さん(理工学研究科 情報科学専攻 M2 巳波研)が電子情報通信学会コミュニケーションクオリティ研究会優秀オンラインポスター賞を受賞
- 2020.11.05
学会 Academic Conference
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
地道 正行・商学部教授のグループが「学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点(JHPCN)」の2020年度の拠点校として採択され、研究成果がシンポジウムで発表されました