関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

塚田幸光・法学部教授によるドキュメンタリー・アメリカ ニューディール文化生成の政治学研究
Documentary America: Politics of Cultural Making in New Deal Era


個人研究 Individual Research

In this research, I attempted to throw light on the relationship between documentary texts and cultural politics, especially focusing on the cross-media variation through the New Deal context in 1930s. 
How has “culture” responded to and associated with New Deal politics?  It is clear that, like the relation between Cubist’s paintings and the front line of the battlefield, the mixed media is its unique characteristic of cultural politics and indispensable factor.  In this light, cultural texts in 1930s, such as FSA photographs, OWI films, and FWP projects, are an interesting example of New Deal context.  I clarified the process of cultural making, in which media images and its politics were reimagined and transformed.  And this view opens up new possibilities whereby documentary texts may be reconsidered in its “cross-media” dimensions. 

