関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

Professor Yukihiro Tsukada Gives Presentation on Faulkner and Jesmyn Ward at the Faulkner International Conference.


学会 Academic Conference

共同研究 Collaborative Research

学会出張 Business Trip

The Faulkner International Conference, sponsored by the Faulkner Institute, was held on October 20-22, 2022, at Southeast Missouri State University. This year's theme was "William Faulkner and Jesmyn Ward." There, their works were compared and discussed, as well as issues of history, culture, and race in the American South. Yukihiro Tsukada presented his report at the conference, comparing the works of Faulkner and Ward from a historical approach, discussing the representations of past/memory, and exploring capitalism in the south.
The Faulkner Institute owned the Brodsky Collection. This is the primary source for Faulkner's later works. We had the opportunity to see the valuable materials and engage in much discussion while being lectured by Professor Christopher Rieger and Robert Hamblin of the Faulkner Institute.