関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

森谷周一准教授(商学部)が12th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM NetworkでCollaborative HRM implementation from adoption to routinization: The role of relational coordination between the HR department and line managersをテーマに発表を行いました
Shuichi Moritani(Associate Professor, School of Business Administration) Gives Presentation on ”Collaborative HRM implementation from adoption to routinization: The role of relational coordination between the HR department and line managers” at 12th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network


学会 Academic Conference

 森谷周一准教授(商学部)が、2022年11月9日~11日に、オランダ・Twente University(エンスヘーデ)で開催された12th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Networkにおいて、”Collaborative HRM implementation from adoption to routinization: The role of relational coordination between the HR department and line managers”をテーマに発表を行いました。本会議は、オランダを拠点に人的資源管理論の発展を目的に、20カ国以上の国から300名以上の研究者が集まり発表・討議が行われました。本年度は、HRM and Resilienceというサブテーマの下、不確実性が増す経営環境の中で人的資源管理が果たす役割について活発な意見交換がなされました。
  Shuichi Moritani(Associate Professor, School of Business Administration) gave a presentation on  ”Collaborative HRM implementation from adoption to routinization: The role of relational coordination between the HR department and line managers” at the 12th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, which was held from 9 November to 11 in the Netherlands. The 12th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network is aiming for the development of the HRM area of study.  More than 300 scholars from more than 20 countries gathered to give presentations and hold discussions. Researchers from many countries exchanged ideas under the sub-title of HRM and resilience regarding the role of HRM under uncertainty.
