関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

森谷周一・商学部准教授がAcademy of Management 2023 Annual MeetingでToward a relational view of HRM Implementation: building social relationship between HR and the line をテーマに発表を行いました
Shuichi Moritani, Associate Professor at School of Business Administration, Gives Presentation on "Toward a relational view of HRM Implementation: building social relationship between HR and the line" at Academy of Management 2023 Annual Meeting


学会出張 Business Trip

 森谷周一・商学部准教授が、2023年8月4日~9日に、アメリカ合衆国、ボストンで開催されたAcademy of Management 2023 Annual Meetingにおいて、Toward a relational view of HRM Implementation: building social relationship between HR and the lineをテーマに発表を行いました。Academy of Managementは、経営学分野における世界最大の学会であり、今回はSymposium sessionにて、複数の報告者とともに特定のテーマについて発表・議論を行いました。世界中から数多くの研究者が参加し意見交換がなされ、人的交流も含めた有意義な時間を過ごすことができました。
 Shuichi Moritani, Associate Professor at School of Business Administration, gave a presentation on "Toward a relational view of HRM Implementation: building social relationship between HR and the line" at the Academy of Management 2023 Annual Meeting, which was held from August 4th to 9th in Boston, The United States. Academy of Management is the biggest community for management scholars in the world. The author attended the conference as a one of presenters for symposium session, which some scholars present and discuss about the specific topics they are commonly interested in. There were lively debates, researchers from many countries exchanged ideas, well-known researchers were invited to introduce leading research.
