佐藤英俊・生命環境学部生命医科学科教授の研究成果「Study of N-Acetylamino Saccharides with Synchrotron-Based UV-Resonance Raman Spectroscopy – In Combination with ATR-Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy」が『Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters』に掲載されました
Research on Study of N-Acetylamino Saccharides with Synchrotron-Based UV-Resonance Raman Spectroscopy – In Combination with ATR-Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy by Professor Hidetoshi Saro, School of Biological and Environmental Sciencesis Published in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
論文 Article
佐藤英俊・生命環境学部生命医科学科教授と橋本剛介・生命環境学部生命医科学科助教(現、富山大学)が、Elettra(放射光施設:イタリア)、近畿大学のグループと共に、遠視外(~200 nm)吸収と深紫外(200~300 nm)共鳴ラマン分光法を用いて、σおよびπ電子軌道の構造と性質を研究しました。その研究成果が2025年2月13日、『Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters』に掲載されました。佐藤英俊・教授の研究は、有機分子内の原子の結合に束縛されていると考えられてきたσ電子(および共役していないπ電子)軌道が実際にどのような広がりを持つのかを、対称性が似ている電子軌道の変化と分子の振動が共鳴することを利用して明らかにする方法を考案しました。これまで測定することができなかった微小な世界を覗くことができるようになり、物質の性質をもっと深く知ることができるようになるでしょう。
雑誌名:『Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters』
論文タイトル:Study of N-Acetylamino Saccharides with Synchrotron-Based UV-Resonance Raman Spectroscopy – In Combination with ATR-Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
著者:Kosuke Hashimoto, Fatima Matroodi, Soh Morimatsu, Barbara Rossi, Yusuke Morisawa, Yukihiro Ozaki, Hidetoshi Sato
On 13 Feb., the results of research by Professor Hidetoshi Sato, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Assistant professor Kosuke Hashimoto (Now, Toyama Univ.) on Study of N-Acetylamino Saccharides with Synchrotron-Based UV-Resonance Raman Spectroscopy – In Combination with ATR-Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy were published in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. The research is a collaboration work with Elettra (Synchrotron radiation facility, Italy) and Kindai Univ. Prof. Sato suggests the structure and charactor of σ and isolated π electron orbitals through the resonance of an electronic transition of the σ and/or π orbitals, and the molecular bibration which have the similar geometric symmetries. The resonance effect was analyzed by using far ultraviolet (FUV) absorption and deep ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopies. The technique introduced in this work will give deep insite into properties of each single bonding in a molecule.
Journal name: Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Article title: Study of N-Acetylamino Saccharides with Synchrotron-Based UV-Resonance Raman Spectroscopy – In Combination with ATR-Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
Author(s): Kosuke Hashimoto, Fatima Matroodi, Soh Morimatsu, Barbara Rossi, Yusuke Morisawa, Yukihiro Ozaki, Hidetoshi Sato
- 2024.08.06
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
佐藤英俊・生命環境学部教授が ICORS2024 で Fat Analysis in Live Cell and Tissue with Raman Spectroscopy をテーマに招待講演を行いました
Professor Hidetoshi Sato, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences Gives Presentation on "Fat Analysis in Live Cell and Tissue with Raman Spectroscopy" at ICORS2024 - 2023.11.06
学会 Academic Conference
研究会 Research Meeting
Prof. Hidetoshi Sato, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences Hosts The 21st Annual Meeting of The Japan Association of Medical Spectroscopy, Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan - 2023.09.08
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
佐藤英俊・生命環境学部教授が国際学会・ICAVS12でRaman Spectroscopy for Pre-Disease Analysisをテーマに発表を行いました
Professor, Hidetoshi SATO, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences Gives Presentation on Raman Spectroscopy for Pre-Disease Analysis at ICAVS12 - 2022.10.19
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
佐藤英俊・生命環境学部教授がScix202で「Raman Endoscope for Diagnosis of Eosinophil Esophagitis」をテーマに発表を行いました
Hidetoshi Sato attended Scix2022