関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

Experiment on the attentional capture in the auditory modality


個人研究 Individual Research

According to the research plan of an Individual Special Research Subsidy of 2022 funds, we conducted an experiment to examine how task-irrelevant information captures our attention. Previous studies have shown that task-irrelevant information captures more attention when the task is difficult. In a previous study focusing on the visual modality, this phenomenon was explained by the attentional focus, i.e., when the task becomes more difficult, spatial attention is more focused on the location where task-relevant information is presented, and then task-irrelevant information captures more attention when it is presented within the focus. In the present study, we focused on the auditory modality and examined whether this effect was due to spatial attentional focus as in the visual modality. We cannot describe the details of this experiment because this study will be published as a paper later. In short, we found that the effect is not controlled by the spatial attentional focus in the auditory modality. Further research is required to determine the mechanism by which this effect occurs in the auditory modality.