寺沢拓敬・社会学部准教授による日本の大学英語入試改革を対象とした政策分析が、 Current Issues in Language Planning に掲載されました。
Associate Professor Takunori Terasawa (Faculty of Sociology) and his colleagues have conducted a policy analysis of Japan’s university English entrance exam reforms, and their findings have been published in Current Issues in Language Planning.
論文 Article
寺沢拓敬・社会学部准教授らによる日本の大学英語入試改革を対象とした政策分析が、 Current Issues in Language Planning に掲載されました。
雑誌名:Current Issues in Language Planning
論文タイトル:政策を妨げるスローガン:日本の英語テスト改革における「ウォッシュバック」言説の分析(原題:Slogans as a policy distractor: a case of ‘washback’ discourse in English language testing reforms in Japan)
著者:寺沢拓敬・須藤爽・梶ヶ谷毅・青山 良輔・梶ケ谷・久保田竜子
雑誌名:Current Issues in Language Planning
論文タイトル:政策を妨げるスローガン:日本の英語テスト改革における「ウォッシュバック」言説の分析(原題:Slogans as a policy distractor: a case of ‘washback’ discourse in English language testing reforms in Japan)
著者:寺沢拓敬・須藤爽・梶ヶ谷毅・青山 良輔・梶ケ谷・久保田竜子
Associate Professor Takunori Terasawa (Faculty of Sociology) and his colleagues have conducted a policy analysis of Japan’s university English entrance exam reforms, and their findings have been published in Current Issues in Language Planning.
Their paper analyses the policy process behind the reforms in the 2010s. The study highlights the negative role played by the slogan ‘washback’—the causal impact of entrance exams on high school students— which was cited in promoting the reform.
The term ‘washback’ originally comes from language testing research (specifically, validity studies). However, as the paper reveals, it was loosely adopted as a slogan to justify an educational reform (i.e. policy decision-making) and ultimately contributed to confusion in the policy process.
In this sense, the paper can also be read as a case study illustrating scientific (dis)communication between academia (applied linguistics) and policymaking (education reform). Building on this research, future work will explore more constructive approaches to reform debates and scientific communication.
Journal: Current Issues in Language Planning
Title of the Article: Slogans as a policy distractor: a case of ‘washback’ discourse in English language testing reforms in Japan
Authors: Takunori Terasawa, Sô Sudô, Tsuyoshi Kajigaya, Ryosuke Aoyama, and Ryuko Kubota
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14664208.2024.2355016
Their paper analyses the policy process behind the reforms in the 2010s. The study highlights the negative role played by the slogan ‘washback’—the causal impact of entrance exams on high school students— which was cited in promoting the reform.
The term ‘washback’ originally comes from language testing research (specifically, validity studies). However, as the paper reveals, it was loosely adopted as a slogan to justify an educational reform (i.e. policy decision-making) and ultimately contributed to confusion in the policy process.
In this sense, the paper can also be read as a case study illustrating scientific (dis)communication between academia (applied linguistics) and policymaking (education reform). Building on this research, future work will explore more constructive approaches to reform debates and scientific communication.
Journal: Current Issues in Language Planning
Title of the Article: Slogans as a policy distractor: a case of ‘washback’ discourse in English language testing reforms in Japan
Authors: Takunori Terasawa, Sô Sudô, Tsuyoshi Kajigaya, Ryosuke Aoyama, and Ryuko Kubota
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14664208.2024.2355016
