関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

石淵順也・商学部教授が著書「買物行動と感情 「人」らしさの復権」を出版
Prof. Junya Ishibuchi of the School of Business Administration Publishes the Book ”Shopping Behavior and Emotion: Restoring “Humanity”


著書 Book

個人研究 Individual Research

 石淵順也・商学部教授が著書「買物行動と感情  「人」らしさの復権」(有斐閣)を3月30日に出版しました。


 On March 30th, Professor Junya Ishibuchi, of the School of Business Administration, published a book entitled ”Shopping Behavior and Emotion: Restoring “Humanity” (Yuhikaku).

  This book highlights the aspects of “emotional organizers” (outstanding managers) who have been ignored in shopping research until now, and clarifies aspects which support shopping behavior that is emotionally intelligent and creative. While existing research has paid attention to the aspects of “emotional disorganizers” (people whose rational judgment is inhibited), Prof. Ishibuchi’s book perceives aspects of both types, clarifies the work of emotions with regard to shopping behavior in a more systematic way, and presents a more “human” form of consumer.

