藤原伸介・生命環境学部教授が「6 th International Conference on Polyamines: Biochemical, Physiological and Clinical Perspectives」で「Identification of unique arginine decarboxylase involved in low pH dependent agmatine production in solid-state cultivated Aspergillus oryzae」をテーマに発表を行いました
[Professor, Shinsuke Fujiwara, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences] Gives Presentation on [Identification of unique arginine decarboxylase involved in low pH dependent agmatine production in solid-state cultivated Aspergillus oryzae] at [6 th International Conference on Polyamines: Biochemical, Physiological and Clinical Perspectives]
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
藤原伸介・生命環境学部教授が、2022年9月4日から9月9日まで、イタリア・ローマで開催された「6th International Conference on Polyamines: Biochemical, Physiological and Clinical Perspectives 」で、「Identification of unique arginine decarboxylase involved in low pH dependent agmatine production in solid-state cultivated Aspergillus oryzae」をテーマに発表を行いました。「6 th International Conference on Polyamines」は、2年ごとに各国を開催地にポリアミンの生物学的意義に関して議論が交わされるものです。、20カ国以上の国から80名もの研究者が集まり発表・討議が行われました。
Professor, Shinsuke Fujiwara, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences gave a presentation on Identification of unique arginine decarboxylase involved in low pH dependent agmatine production in solid-state cultivated Aspergillus oryzae at the 6 th International Conference on Polyamines: Biochemical, Physiological and Clinical Perspectives, which was held from 4th September 2022 to 9th of September 2022 in Italy, Roma. International Conference on Polyamines is held every two years in various countries to discuss about the biological significance of polyamines. More than 80 from 20 gathered to give presentations and hold discussions. This was the first face-to-face meeting in three years, and it was impressive that many researchers were happy to see each other again. In addition, the progress of research in each country has been tremendous even in the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, and it was the first time in a long time that I could feel the passion of researchers. This time, I was able to recognize again how polyamines are involved in maintaining human health. In 2024, Kwansei Gakuin University's Fujiwara will host an international conference in Kobe.
- 2024.09.12
学会 Academic Conference
International Conference on the Biological Roles of Polyamines 2024, 7th Yamada Symposium was hosted by Prof.Shinsuke Fujiwara, Dean of School of Biological and Environmental Sciences - 2024.06.21
論文 Article
個人研究 Individual Research
藤原伸介・生命環境学部教授が Identification and enzymatic properties of arginine decarboxylase from Aspergillus oryzae で『Applied and Environmental Microbiology』に掲載されました
Identification and enzymatic properties of arginine decarboxylase from Aspergillus oryzae