藤原伸介・生命環境学部・教授が2023 Gordon Research Conference on Polyamines で"The role of branched-chain polyamines in gene regulation of hyperthermophilic archaea"をテーマに発表を行いました
Professor, Shinsuke Fujiwara, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences Gives Presentation on The role of branched-chain polyamines in gene regulation of hyperthermophilic archaea at 2023 Gordon Research Conference on Polyamines.
学会 Academic Conference
藤原伸介・生命環境学部・教授が、2023年6月25日~6月30日に、米国・Waterville Valley Conderence Centerで開催された2023 Gordon Research Conference on Polyaminesにおいて、"The role of branched-chain polyamines in gene regulation of hyperthermophilic archaea"をテーマに発表を行いました。2023 Gordon Research Conference on Polyaminesは、ポリアミンのがんに対する影響や健康に及ぼす効果について議論するために、12カ国以上の国から140名もの研究者が集まり、発表・討議が行われました。2024年の国際会議が神戸で開催されることが決まり、藤原伸介教授が議長を務めることになりました。
Professor, Shinsuke Fujiwara, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences gave a presentation on ”the role of branched-chain polyamines in gene regulation of hyperthermophilic archaea"at the 2023 Gordon Research Conference on Polyamines, which was held from 24 June,2023 to 30 June, 2023 in Waterville Valley Conderence Center, USA. Gordon Research Conference on Polyamines is to present and discuss the effects of polyamines on cancer and health. more than140 from 12 gathered to give presentations and hold discussions. The international conference of 2024 will be held in Kobe, Japan, and Professor Shinsuke Fujiwara will chair the conference.

- 2025.02.17
学会 Academic Conference
共同研究 Collaborative Research
藤原伸介・生命環境学部教授が国際ポリアミン会議2024・第7回山田シンポジウムで"Biological Role of Branched-chain Polyamines in Survival of Hyperthermophiles under Extremal Conditions "をテーマに発表を行いました。
Professor, Shinsuke Fujiwara, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences Gives Presentation on Biological Role of Branched-chain Polyamines in Survival of Hyperthermophiles under Extremal Conditions at International Conference on the Biological Roles of Polyamines 2024, 7th Yamada Symposium. - 2024.09.12
学会 Academic Conference
International Conference on the Biological Roles of Polyamines 2024, 7th Yamada Symposium was hosted by Prof.Shinsuke Fujiwara, Dean of School of Biological and Environmental Sciences