関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

藤原伸介・生命環境学部教授が国際ポリアミン会議2024・第7回山田シンポジウムで"Biological Role of Branched-chain Polyamines in Survival of Hyperthermophiles under Extremal Conditions "をテーマに発表を行いました。
Professor, Shinsuke Fujiwara, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences Gives Presentation on Biological Role of Branched-chain Polyamines in Survival of Hyperthermophiles under Extremal Conditions at International Conference on the Biological Roles of Polyamines 2024, 7th Yamada Symposium.


学会 Academic Conference

共同研究 Collaborative Research


The International Polyamine Conference 2024 / 7th Yamada Symposium, organized by Professor Shinsuke Fujiwara, Dean of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, was held from August 25 to 30, 2024, at the Kobe Allinston Hotel, Shinsho Hall. Professor Fujiwara delivered a presentation entitled "The Role of Branched-Chain Polyamines in Hyperthermophiles Under Extreme Conditions" on 26th of August. He demonstrated that branched-chain polyamines contribute to maintaining membrane fluidity and stabilizing nucleic acids in hyperthermophiles by interacting with the cell membrane. Additionally, in vitro experiments revealed that branched-chain polyamines promote nucleic acid aggregation and influence phase transitions in lipid membranes. These findings suggest that this class of molecules may have potential applications as antimicrobial agents by inhibiting bacterial cell growth.

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