Prof. Daisuke Chugo, Faculty of Engineering, receives the first prize of the Local Organising Committee Award on Environmental Robotics Application for Sustainability at the international conference CLAWAR 2022.
受賞 Award
論文 Article
個人研究 Individual Research
中後大輔・工学部教授が2022年9月13日、ポルトガル,ポンタ・デルガダで開催された国際会議 25th the International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies(CLAWAR2022)の授賞式で、Local Organising Committee Award, Environmental Robotics Application for Sustainability, 1st Prizeを受賞しました。この賞は、本年より新設された賞で、社会の持続可能性に貢献する技術や、ポスト・コロナに貢献する技術発表に対して贈られるものです。中後教授らの論文は、本国際会議予稿集に掲載された60編の中から最も優れた論文として選ばれました。
中後教授の受賞論文のタイトルは「Human models simulating the physical conditions of the elderly individual and standing assistance method based on these models(高齢者個人の身体状況を模擬した人体モデルとそれに基づく起立補助法)」。本論文は、従来、体の弱った高齢者に各種生体センサを用いて体の弱り具合を計測する代わりに、簡単な六つ以上の動作でどれだけ力を出せるか測ることで、その弱り具合を推定して、その人にぴったりな起立支援動作をロボットに設計させる手法を提案したものです。コロナ渦でリスクが高い高齢者に直接ロボット技術者が会わずに体力推定できる点が画期的です。本論文の共著者は、宮崎裕也(関西学院大学院大学院修士1年生)、村松 聡准教授(東海大学)、横田 祥教授(東洋大学)、余 錦華教授(東京工科大学)、橋本 洋志教授(東京都立産業技術大学院大学)です。
中後教授の受賞論文のタイトルは「Human models simulating the physical conditions of the elderly individual and standing assistance method based on these models(高齢者個人の身体状況を模擬した人体モデルとそれに基づく起立補助法)」。本論文は、従来、体の弱った高齢者に各種生体センサを用いて体の弱り具合を計測する代わりに、簡単な六つ以上の動作でどれだけ力を出せるか測ることで、その弱り具合を推定して、その人にぴったりな起立支援動作をロボットに設計させる手法を提案したものです。コロナ渦でリスクが高い高齢者に直接ロボット技術者が会わずに体力推定できる点が画期的です。本論文の共著者は、宮崎裕也(関西学院大学院大学院修士1年生)、村松 聡准教授(東海大学)、横田 祥教授(東洋大学)、余 錦華教授(東京工科大学)、橋本 洋志教授(東京都立産業技術大学院大学)です。
Professor Daisuke Chugo, Faculty of Engineering, received the Local Organising Committee Award, Environmental Robotics Application for Sustainability, 1st Prize, at the awards ceremony of the 25th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies (CLAWAR2022) held on 13 September 2022, in Ponta Delgada, Portugal. This prize, newly established this year, is awarded for technology that contributes to the sustainability of society and for technological presentations that contribute to the post-Corona era. The paper by Prof. Chugo and his colleagues was selected as the best paper out of 60 papers published in the Proceedings of this international conference.
The title of Professor Chugo's winning paper is Human models simulating the physical conditions of the elderly individual and standing assistance method based on these models]. This paper proposes a method for having a robot design standing assistance movements that are perfectly suited to the elderly person by estimating the degree of weakness of the elderly person by measuring how much force they can exert in six or more simple movements, instead of conventionally measuring the degree of weakness of the body using various biometric sensors. The method is groundbreaking in that it enables estimation of physical fitness without robot technicians meeting directly with elderly people who are at high risk due to the coronal vortex. The co-authors of this paper are Yuya Miyazaki (first-year master's student at Kwansei Gakuin University), Associate Professor Satoshi Muramatsu (Tokai University), Professor Sho Yokota (Toyo University), Professor Jin-Hua She (Tokyo University of Technology) and Professor Hiroshi Hashimoto (Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology). This research was funded by Individual Special Research Subsidy from Kwansei Gakuin University and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (20H04566).
The title of Professor Chugo's winning paper is Human models simulating the physical conditions of the elderly individual and standing assistance method based on these models]. This paper proposes a method for having a robot design standing assistance movements that are perfectly suited to the elderly person by estimating the degree of weakness of the elderly person by measuring how much force they can exert in six or more simple movements, instead of conventionally measuring the degree of weakness of the body using various biometric sensors. The method is groundbreaking in that it enables estimation of physical fitness without robot technicians meeting directly with elderly people who are at high risk due to the coronal vortex. The co-authors of this paper are Yuya Miyazaki (first-year master's student at Kwansei Gakuin University), Associate Professor Satoshi Muramatsu (Tokai University), Professor Sho Yokota (Toyo University), Professor Jin-Hua She (Tokyo University of Technology) and Professor Hiroshi Hashimoto (Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology). This research was funded by Individual Special Research Subsidy from Kwansei Gakuin University and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (20H04566).

- 2024.09.09
受賞 Award
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
中後大輔・工学部教授が国際会議CLAWAR2024でCLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award - 2nd Prizeを受賞しました
Professor Daisuke Chugo of the School of Engineering received the CLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award - 2nd Prize at the international conference CLAWAR 2024. - 2024.02.24
共同研究 Collaborative Research
マスコミ Media Appearance
中後大輔・工学部教授の研究が2024年2月24日に発売された「Forbes JAPAN4月号」に掲載されました
Professor Daisuke Chugo's research was reported in the April issue of "Forbes JAPAN," published on February 24, 2024. - 2023.11.08
マスコミ Media Appearance
その他 Others
Professor Daisuke Chugo, Faculty of Engineering, exhibited the EcoBrake wheelchair at Yokohama Robot World 2023. - 2023.10.09
受賞 Award
論文 Article
学会出張 Business Trip
中後大輔・工学部教授が Highly Commended Paper of Industrial Robot and CLAWAR2023 を受賞
Prof. Daisuke Chugo, Faculty of Engineering, receives Highly Commended Paper of Industrial Robot and CLAWAR2023.