関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

中後大輔・工学部教授が Highly Commended Paper of Industrial Robot and CLAWAR2023 を受賞
Prof. Daisuke Chugo, Faculty of Engineering, receives Highly Commended Paper of Industrial Robot and CLAWAR2023.


受賞 Award

論文 Article

学会出張 Business Trip

中後大輔・工学部教授が2023年10月3日、ブラジル、フロリアノポリスで開催された国際会議 26th issue of the International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies (CLAWAR2023) の授賞式で、Highly Commended Paper of Industrial Robot and CLAWAR2023を受賞しました。この賞は、CLAWAR本体とは別に、エメラルド社が刊行するIndustrial Robot誌が、CLAWAR論文集に投稿された約100件の論文から独自に優秀論文を選出するもので、今回は3件の選出がありました。
中後教授の受賞論文のタイトルはAssistive walker which stabilizes the user's posture and prevent falls through abnormal gait pattern recognition(異常な歩行パターンを認識することで、利用者の姿勢を安定させ、転倒を防止する歩行補助ロボット)。片麻痺患者さんなどが左右アンバランスな歩き方をした場合、歩行補助ロボットの左右両輪の補助力を上手に活用することで、歩く姿勢を安定化させ、患者さんが転倒に至ることを防ぎます。表彰式では、Industrial Robot誌編集長のClive Loughlin氏より、技術的な工夫で低コストに安全性を担保しており実用性が高いことを評価したとコメントがありました。
Daisuke Chugo, Professor, Faculty of Engineering, was awarded the Highly Commended Paper of Industrial Robots and Support Technologies (CLAWAR2023) at the awards ceremony of the 26th issue of the International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Technologies (CLAWAR2023), held on 3 October 2023 in Florianópolis, Brazil. This award is separate from CLAWAR itself, and the journal Industrial Robot, published by Emerald, independently selects the best papers from approximately 100 papers submitted to the CLAWAR journal, with three selected this year.
Professor Chugo's winning paper is entitled Assistive walker which stabilizes the user's posture and prevent falls through abnormal gait pattern recognition. When a patient with hemiplegia or other paraplegia walks with an unbalanced left-right gait, the walking assistance robot stabilises the walking posture and prevents the patient from falling by making good use of the assistance force of both the left and right wheels of the walking assistance robot. At the award ceremony, Clive Loughlin, Editor-in-Chief of Industrial Robot, commented on the high level of practicality of the robot, as it ensures safety at low cost through technical ingenuity.
The authors of the paper are.
Daisuke Chugo (Professor, School of Engineering, Kwansei Gakuin University), Yao Li (Graduated in 2022 from School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University), Satoshi Muramatsu (Associate Professor, School of Information Science and Technology, Tokai University), Sho Yokota (Professor, Facility of Science and Enginenring, Toyo University) and Jinhua She (School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology), Hiroshi Hashimoto (Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Institute of Technology).
授賞式にて,CLAWAR役員であるBridge名誉教授(ロンドンサウスバンク大学)(右)と中後教授(左) 授賞式にて,CLAWAR役員であるBridge名誉教授(ロンドンサウスバンク大学)(右)と中後教授(左)
表彰状(抜粋) 表彰状(抜粋)

