関西学院大学 研究活動情報

Kwansei Gakuin University Research Activities

中後大輔・工学部教授が国際会議CLAWAR2024でCLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award - 2nd Prizeを受賞しました
Professor Daisuke Chugo of the School of Engineering received the CLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award - 2nd Prize at the international conference CLAWAR 2024.


受賞 Award

学会 Academic Conference

学会出張 Business Trip

中後大輔・工学部教授が2024年9月4日~6日に、ドイツ・カイザースラウテルンで開催された国際会議 the 27th issue of the International Conference Series on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies (CLAWAR2024)の授賞式で、CLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award - 2nd Prize を受賞しました。この賞は、本国際会議で発表された総論文数80編の中から最も優れた一位から三位の論文の執筆者に送られるもので、本賞は二位にあたります。本賞は、学術性はもちろん、実用性・社会への応用性などを総合的に判断して授与されます。中後教授らの受賞論文のタイトルはDevelopment of Gait Rehabilitation Robot to Promote Voluntary Movements for Normal Walking(正常歩行のための随意運動を促進する歩行リハビリテーションロボットの開発)。本発表は、脳卒中後片麻痺患者さんが正常歩行訓練を行う時に、安全かつ効果的なリハビリテーションを実現するロボットを提案しました。多数の筋肉が協調して動く人間の動作を解析して、より効果的なリハビリテーションを実現するロボットを設計するという、人間工学・機械工学を融合した研究内容に特徴があります。また、本成果は本学のみならず、多くの大学から機械制御工学・情報工学・看護学・サービス工学など幅広い研究者が参画していることにも特徴があります。
Development of Gait Rehabilitation Robot to Promote Voluntary Movements for Normal Walking(正常歩行のための随意運動を促進する歩行リハビリテーションロボットの開発)
村松 聡(東海大学情報理工学部コンピュータ応用工学科、准教授)
横田 祥(東洋大学工学部機械工学科、教授)
佘 錦華(東京工科大学工学部機械工学科、教授)
Professor Daisuke Chugo of the School of Engineering received the CLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award - 2nd Prize at the award ceremony of the 27th issue of the International Conference Series on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies (CLAWAR2024), which was held in Kaiserslautern, Germany from 4th to 6th September 2024. This prize is awarded to the authors of the three best papers out of the 80 papers presented at the conference, and this prize is the second best. This prize is awarded based on a comprehensive assessment of the academic nature of the paper, as well as its practicality and applicability to society. The title of the winning paper by Professor Chugo and his colleagues is ‘Development of Gait Rehabilitation Robot to Promote Voluntary Movements for Normal Walking’. This paper proposed a robot that would enable safe and effective rehabilitation for patients with hemiplegia after a stroke when undergoing training for normal walking. The research is characterised by its fusion of human engineering and mechanical engineering, analysing the coordinated movement of many muscles in the human body and designing a robot that can achieve more effective rehabilitation. Another feature of this research is that it involves a wide range of researchers from many universities, not just our own, including mechanical control engineering, information engineering, nursing and service engineering.

Title of paper:
Development of Gait Rehabilitation Robot to Promote Voluntary Movements for Normal Walking
Author of the paper:
Daisuke Chugo (Professor, School of Engineering, Kwansei Gakuin University)
Yuya Miyazaki (Kwansei Gakuin University Graduate School of Science and Technology, Master's Course, completed March 2024)
Honoka Kubo (4th year student, School of Engineering, Kwansei Gakuin University)
Satoshi Muramatsu (Associate Professor, School of Information Science and Technology, Tokai University)
Sho Yokota (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Toyo University)
Jin-Hua She (Professor, School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology)
Keio Ishiguro (Professor, School of Health and Medical Care, Tokyo University of Technology)
Hiroshi Hashimoto (Professor, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology)
授賞式にて、左:CLAWAR Association代表のTokhi教授(英国シェフィールド大学)・右:中後教授 授賞式にて、左:CLAWAR Association代表のTokhi教授(英国シェフィールド大学)・右:中後教授
授賞式にて、左:CLAWAR Association代表のTokhi教授(英国シェフィールド大学)・右:中後教授

