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- 2024.08.29
学会出張 Business Trip
壷井基裕・生命環境学部教授がGoldschmidt 2024 Conferenceで発表を行いました
- 2024.08.26
学会 Academic Conference
研究会 Research Meeting
学会出張 Business Trip
安藤 幸・人間福祉学部准教授がThe 5th East Asia Village Development Forumでコロナ禍の地域における教育実践をテーマに発表を行いました
Associate Professor ANDO Sachi, School of Human Welfare Studies Gives Presentation on teaching and learning during the Pandemic at the 5th East Asia Village Development Forum - 2024.08.23
学会 Academic Conference
Language Center SIL Michael Wilkins Gives Presentation on Motivation at the International Association of Applied Linguistics World Congress - 2024.08.22
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
Prof. M. Tanimizu, School Bio&Env Sci. Gives Presentation on Quantification of Heteo-atom organic molecules by inorganic MS at IMSC2024 - 2024.08.22
学会 Academic Conference
- 2024.08.07
共同研究 Collaborative Research
商学部の地道正行・教授、阪智香・教授らの研究グループ (研究代表者: 地道正行) が「データプラットフォームmdxを用いた高速データ解析技術の検証」で共同研究を継続
- 2024.08.06
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
佐藤英俊・生命環境学部教授が ICORS2024 で Fat Analysis in Live Cell and Tissue with Raman Spectroscopy をテーマに招待講演を行いました
Professor Hidetoshi Sato, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences Gives Presentation on "Fat Analysis in Live Cell and Tissue with Raman Spectroscopy" at ICORS2024 - 2024.08.04
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
個人研究 Individual Research
前川裕・理学部准教授がSociety of Biblical Literature 2024 International Meetingでヨハネ福音書のペトロ像をテーマに発表を行いました
- 2024.08.02
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
石田祐・人間福祉学部社会起業学科教授がInternational Society for Third-Sector Researchで災害サイクルにおけるNPOの持続性をテーマに発表を行いました
[Position, Name, Affiliation] Gives Presentation on [Theme of Presentation] at [Name of International Conference or Meeting] - 2024.07.31
個人研究 Individual Research
その他 Others
2023年度個人特別研究の成果報告(経済学部 東田啓作)
Report on the Results: Individual Special Research (Keisaku Higashida, School of Economics) - 2024.07.29
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
Associate Professor, Vivian Bussinguer-Khavari, School of Sociology, Gives Presentation on Performance in Education: Improvisation Activities for the Language Classroom at the 20th BRAZ-TESOL International Conference - 2024.07.29
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
Associate Professor, Vivian Bussinguer-Khavari, School of Sociology, Gives Presentation on Mind, Brain, and Education Science: Practical Applications for ESL/EFL Classes at the 20th BRAZ-TESOL International Conference - 2024.07.29
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
Professor Sadahiko Nakajima from the Faculty of Letters presented a poster on "A 'humane' technique for establishing conditioned taste avoidance in rats and mice" at the 33rd International Congress of Psychology (ICP2024) - 2024.07.26
学会出張 Business Trip
田中大輔・理学部教授が The 9th International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds (MOF2024) で半導体MOFをテーマに発表を行いました
- 2024.07.24
学会 Academic Conference
共同研究 Collaborative Research
学会出張 Business Trip
- 2024.07.16
学会 Academic Conference
その他 Others
Osaka Historical Science Council Conference held at the Uegahara campus.