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- 2022.01.06
学会 Academic Conference
陳 芸丹さん(理工学研究科修士1年)がポリアミン学会で「ウシ乳汁含まれるポリアミン成分と乳牛の腸内細菌叢解析」をテーマに発表
- 2021.12.11
学会 Academic Conference
The 44th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (SITA2021) was held at Kwansei Gakuin Kaikan in Dec. 2021. - 2021.11.30
学会 Academic Conference
the 33rd Annual Conference of the Japan-China Sociological Society - 2021.11.22
学会 Academic Conference
Nishinomiya Campus Hosts Annual Meeting of the International Human Rights Law Association, 2021 (online) - 2021.11.19
学会 Academic Conference
法と心理学会第22回大会がオンライン(ホスト校 関西学院大学)で開催されました
- 2021.10.17
受賞 Award
論文 Article
学会 Academic Conference
西本章宏・商学部教授が「急激な環境変化に対するイノベーションの源泉としての創発的消費者 ― COVID-19のアウトブレイクにおけるソーシャルメディアの利用動向分析 ― 」で日本マーケティング学会・マーケティングジャーナル2021奨励賞を受賞
Akihiro Nishimoto, Professor, School of Business Administration, received the Marketing Journal 2021 Incentive Award from the Japan Marketing Association for "Emergent-Nature Consumers as the Source of Innovation for Rapid Change: Analyses of Social Media Usage during the COVID-19 Outbreak" - 2021.10.14
学会 Academic Conference
- 2021.09.16
論文 Article
共同研究 Collaborative Research
若林克法・工学部教授らによる論文「Thickness-dependent Raman active modes of SnS thin films」が、AIP Advances誌に掲載され、Featured ArticleおよびScilightに選出されました
Research on Thickness-dependent Raman active modes of SnS thin films by Prof. Katsunori Wakabayashi (School of Engineering) has been published in AIP Advances and selected as Featured Article and Scilight(Science Highlight). - 2021.09.13
受賞 Award
- 2021.09.06
受賞 Award
学会 Academic Conference
- 2021.09.02
学会 Academic Conference
- 2021.08.12
論文 Article
共同研究 Collaborative Research
橋本秀樹・生命環境学部・教授らによる「Hydroquinone redox mediator enhances the photovoltaic performances of chlorophyll-based bio-inspired solar cells」という論文が,Nature Publishing Group が出版する国際学術誌『Communications Chemistry』に掲載されました
- 2021.06.24
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
その他 Others
School of Business Administration Professors Selected for a Workshop by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) - 2021.06.24
学会 Academic Conference
共同研究 Collaborative Research
研究会 Research Meeting
Group of School of Business Administration Professors Chosen for the Core Institution of the Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale Information Infrastructures (JHPCN) - 2021.06.09
共同研究 Collaborative Research
マスコミ Media Appearance
Novel method to detect SARS-CoV-2 was introduced introduced in Yasashii news of TV Osaka on June 7, 2021. - 2021.06.09
共同研究 Collaborative Research
Searching for the First Stars: Observing Cosmic Infrared Background Radiation Using NASA Rockets - 2021.06.08
受賞 Award