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- 2022.10.04
その他 Others
- 2022.10.03
受賞 Award
論文 Article
個人研究 Individual Research
Prof. Daisuke Chugo, Faculty of Engineering, receives the first prize of the Local Organising Committee Award on Environmental Robotics Application for Sustainability at the international conference CLAWAR 2022. - 2022.09.28
学会 Academic Conference
Oana Cusen, Language Center Gives Presentation on intercultural dialogue through COIL at the 7th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics: Structure, Use, and Meaning (SUM) - 2022.09.26
学会出張 Business Trip
壷井基裕・生命環境学部・教授がEuropean Symposium on Analytical Spectrometry and Czech-Slovak Spectroscopic Conferenceで発表を行いました
- 2022.09.22
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
Professor, Sadahiko Nakajima, Faculty of Humanities Gives Presentation on ”Gypsum and Lime Ingestion in Nauseated Rats" at Europhysilogy 2022 - 2022.09.30
受賞 Award
著書 Book
- 2022.09.21
学会 Academic Conference
The 15th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT2022) was held in Kobe in 2022.9.5 - 2022.9.9 - 2022.09.20
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
千葉光一・生命環境学部教授が9月5日から9日までチェコ共和国ブルノで開催された「The European Symposium on Analytical Spectrometry」で講演しました
- 2022.09.18
学会 Academic Conference
- 2022.09.13
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
Andrew NOWLAN・言語教育研究センター常勤准教授がIALIC 2022で「Japanese University Students in Bangkok: Experiences of Diversity and ELF」をテーマに発表しました
Andrew NOWLAN, Language Center, SAPL Gives Presentation on Japanese University Students in Bangkok: Experiences of Diversity and ELF at IALIC 2022 - 2022.10.27
学会出張 Business Trip
個人研究 Individual Research
Shinji Nakagawa, Professor of Economics, participated as chairperson and presenter at the IDT 2022 Vienna Congress. - 2022.09.02
論文 Article
- 2022.08.10
論文 Article
田和圭子・生命環境学部教授らが取り組んだBull’s eye型プラズモニックチップにおけるアンテナ効果に関する論文がOptics expressに掲載
Nanoantenna effect dependent on the center structure of Bull’s eye-type plasmonic chip - 2022.07.30
学会出張 Business Trip
水野隆一・神学部教授が The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada 百周年記念大会で Imagining Japanese Hymns in a World God Imagines をテーマに発表を行いました
- 2022.07.29
学会 Academic Conference
The 33rd annual research conference of the Australian Studies Association of Japan held at the Uegahara Campus - 2022.07.20
学会出張 Business Trip
岡林識起・生命環境学部講師がGoldschmidt Conference 2022で河川水中のGd化学形態をテーマに発表を行いました
- 2022.07.20
共同研究 Collaborative Research