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- 2023.02.16
共同研究 Collaborative Research
Public Seminar "The Living Body and the Sociology of Sport" held at Osaka Umeda Campus - 2023.02.16
学会 Academic Conference
ケイン・リントン・工学部外国語講師が第 42 回タイ TESOL 国際会議 2023 で EFL 教育における入力仮説とチャットボットの台頭を発表
IEFL, Kane Linton, Faculty of Engineering Gives a Presentation on The Input Hypothesis and the Rise of Chatbots in EFL Education at 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference - 2023.02.09
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
IEFL Daniel Warchulski from the School of Architecture gives a presentation on Promoting Autonomous Learning and Improving Learners' Motivational Dispositions through the Use of Self-assessment Activities at the 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference - 2023.02.08
学会 Academic Conference
IEFL Renato Germinario from the Engineering Department gave a presentation on grounding pre-reading in Text-World Theory at the 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference - 2023.02.06
学会 Academic Conference
IEFL Robert Stevenson from the Engineering Department Gives Presentation on Learner Autonomy and MOOCs at the 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference - 2023.02.03
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
岡留剛・工学部教授がALTA2022で Generating Code-Switched Text from Monolingual Text with Dependency Treeをテーマに発表
Generating Code-Switched Text from Monolingual Text with Dependency Tree - 2023.02.02
学会 Academic Conference
The 42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference 2023 - 2023.01.24
学会 Academic Conference
「日本結晶学会 2022 年度(令和4年度)年会および総会」と「公開シンポジウム SDGsと結晶学」が西宮上ケ原キャンパスで開催されました
CrSJ2022 was held in Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus - 2023.01.23
学会 Academic Conference
学会出張 Business Trip
Anxiety Japanese University Teachers Faced During the Pandemic - Lesson's Learned and Strategies for Effective Management During Educational Change - 2023.01.10
個人研究 Individual Research
Project on "The Role of VC and Government in the innovation activities of High-Tech Start-Ups" - 2023.01.08
著書 Book
- 2022.12.14
学会 Academic Conference
研究会 Research Meeting
その他 Others
34th Annual Conference, Japan association for Bioethics, at NUC - 2022.12.05
学会 Academic Conference
共同研究 Collaborative Research
学会出張 Business Trip
Professor Yukihiro Tsukada Gives Presentation on Faulkner and Jesmyn Ward at the Faulkner International Conference. - 2022.11.30
受賞 Award
個人研究 Individual Research
- 2022.11.11
論文 Article
学会 Academic Conference
個人研究 Individual Research
- 2022.11.10
受賞 Award
- 2022.11.01
論文 Article
学会 Academic Conference
共同研究 Collaborative Research
児島幸治・国際学部教授がベトナム・ハノイ市のBanking Academyで開催された第7回Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Financeにおいて、ファミリービジネスをテーマとした発表を行いました
Professor Koji Kojima of the School of International Studies gives presentation on family business at VSBF in Honoi, Vietnam - 2022.10.31
共同研究 Collaborative Research
個人研究 Individual Research
理学部の平賀純子教授と松浦周二教授が実験室に Color X-ray Camera およびFTIR 機器を導入