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If you want to narrow down by multiple keywords, enter them separating by spaces. - 日付で検索する場合は、「西暦半角4桁.月2桁.日2桁」(例:2020年4月1日の場合は2020.04.01)と入力してください。「西暦半角4桁.月2桁」のみの日付検索も可能です。
To search by the press release date, enter "4 digits for the Western calendar. 2 digits for the month. 2 digits for the day."(ex.2020.04.01) You can also search for the dates using only "4 digits for the Western calendar. 2 digits for the month".
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- 2019.06.18
研究会 Research Meeting
- 2019.06.15
個人研究 Individual Research
- 2019.06.15
著書 Book
個人研究 Individual Research
桑山敬己・島村恭則 社会学部教授が「関西学院大学現代民俗学・文化人類学リブレット」を創刊
- 2019.06.15
研究会 Research Meeting
Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus Hosts the Conference on Society for Sociology of Warfare - 2019.06.15
その他 Others
- 2019.06.14
論文 Article
- 2019.06.13
研究会 Research Meeting
Assistant Professor Ikuko Sasaba of the School of Human Welfare Studies Holds a Lecture and Workshop Series on Athletes’ ‘Dual Careers’ at a Japan Sports Council Conference - 2019.06.12
受賞 Award
個人研究 Individual Research
Professor Hiroyoshi Miwa and Lab's Members Win Grand Prize of Business Plan Contest - 2019.06.10
研究会 Research Meeting
The 31st Regular Meeting of the Gaskell Society of Japan (Osaka Umeda Campus, June 1st, 2019) - 2019.06.07
受賞 Award
論文 Article
共同研究 Collaborative Research
土方嘉徳・商学部教授が「Speech-Driven Facial Animation by LSTM-RNN for Communication Use」で国際会議の優秀論文賞を受賞
Professor Yoshinori Hijikata, of the School of Business Administration, received the Best Paper Runner-up Award at the Asia Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR2019) - 2019.06.05
学会 Academic Conference
Nishinomiya Uegahara campus Hosts the 70th Annual Meeting of Kansai Sociological Association - 2019.06.03
著書 Book
個人研究 Individual Research
石淵順也・商学部教授が著書「買物行動と感情 「人」らしさの復権」を出版
Prof. Junya Ishibuchi of the School of Business Administration Publishes the Book ”Shopping Behavior and Emotion: Restoring “Humanity” - 2019.06.01
受賞 Award
論文 Article
西本章宏・商学部准教授が「コンジョイントデザインを用いたWillingness to Pay測定方法の比較」で日本商業学会・優秀論文賞を受賞
Assistant Prof. Akihiro Nishimoto Receives a Best Paper Award from the Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution - 2019.06.01
論文 Article
共同研究 Collaborative Research
Research by Prof. Yoko Shimizu and Prof. Takashi Kyakuno is Published in the Architectural Institute of Japan’s Journal of Architecture and Planning - 2019.05.31
研究会 Research Meeting
Osaka Umeda Campus Hosts a Briefing on the Latest Sign Language Research