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- 複数のキーワードで絞り込みたい場合は、スペースで区切って入力してください。
If you want to narrow down by multiple keywords, enter them separating by spaces. - 日付で検索する場合は、「西暦半角4桁.月2桁.日2桁」(例:2020年4月1日の場合は2020.04.01)と入力してください。「西暦半角4桁.月2桁」のみの日付検索も可能です。
To search by the press release date, enter "4 digits for the Western calendar. 2 digits for the month. 2 digits for the day."(ex.2020.04.01) You can also search for the dates using only "4 digits for the Western calendar. 2 digits for the month".
カテゴリ検索 Search by Category
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- 2019.06.20
その他 Others
- 2019.06.18
研究会 Research Meeting
- 2019.06.15
個人研究 Individual Research
- 2019.06.15
著書 Book
個人研究 Individual Research
桑山敬己・島村恭則 社会学部教授が「関西学院大学現代民俗学・文化人類学リブレット」を創刊
- 2019.06.15
研究会 Research Meeting
Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus Hosts the Conference on Society for Sociology of Warfare
The 10th Conference on Society for Sociology of Warfare, org - 2019.06.15
その他 Others
- 2019.06.14
論文 Article
- 2019.06.12
受賞 Award
個人研究 Individual Research
Professor Hiroyoshi Miwa and Lab's Members Win Grand Prize of Business Plan Contest
On May 25, 2019, Hiroyoshi Miwa, professor of school of sc - 2019.06.10
研究会 Research Meeting
The 31st Regular Meeting of the Gaskell Society of Japan (Osaka Umeda Campus, June 1st, 2019)
The 31st Regular Meeting of the Gaskell Society of Japan, - 2019.06.07
受賞 Award
論文 Article
共同研究 Collaborative Research
土方嘉徳・商学部教授が「Speech-Driven Facial Animation by LSTM-RNN for Communication Use」で国際会議の優秀論文賞を受賞
Professor Yoshinori Hijikata, of the School of Business Administration, received the Best Paper Runner-up Award at the Asia Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR2019)
Professor Yoshinori Hijikata, of the School of Business Ad - 2019.06.05
学会 Academic Conference
Nishinomiya Uegahara campus Hosts the 70th Annual Meeting of Kansai Sociological Association
The 70th Annual Meeting of Kansai Sociological Association - 2019.06.03
著書 Book
個人研究 Individual Research
石淵順也・商学部教授が著書「買物行動と感情 「人」らしさの復権」を出版
Prof. Junya Ishibuchi of the School of Business Administration Publishes the Book ”Shopping Behavior and Emotion: Restoring “Humanity”
On March 30th, Professor Junya Ishibuchi, of the School of - 2019.06.01
論文 Article
共同研究 Collaborative Research
Research by Prof. Yoko Shimizu and Prof. Takashi Kyakuno is Published in the Architectural Institute of Japan’s Journal of Architecture and Planning
An article consolidating the joint research of Prof. Yoko